Hi everybody.
Strong and Accurate.
I refuse to believe you.
You do not have the ability to hate.
So I guess you've never heard me rant.
I rant like a woman. I will admit that.
But doesn't mean I hate the people I rant about.
The list is still totally messed up just based on the games I have played today.
Good to see everyone is staying on topic.
This sounds somewhat reasonable as a compromise. I still think teseer should be in the mix as he'll likely have a different view point. I expect that generally koush/zen/rawrrrr will have similar opinions, cow will fall somewhere in between, and I will be somewhere in between. My original suggestion for committee folks probably would have given us the least biased POV though (and then folks would have a chance to fight it out to move on up).
Anyway, if this list is even going to be remotely worth any of our time, we just need to get it setup, then give folks who think they have been incorrectly evaluated a chance to prove otherwise quickly.
So, I'd say to the community of folks reading this - try not to care too much about the initial placement as I'd hope you'll get a chance to move up quickly. With the group mcshane wanted to set up the list, I think the tier 1/tier 2 list is going to be somewhat predicable. We'll also need to decide how we will remove folks from a given tier that may have been put higher up than their actual skill is. Any ideas on a fair way to pull that off?
Anyway, how about rawrrr/zen/and zex post a list of who they think fits in X tiers. I'd ask that if you aren't familiar with a specific player, please categorize them as unranked instead of just omitting their names - that should help us evaluate folks later as a committee.
I also realize I'm personally at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to a current ranking as I've been pugging quite a bit for fun under a few aliases, so if it came down to you knuckleheads trying to put me in a lower tier, I'm reasonably confident I can make my way back up without too much effort (but I personally think tier 2 is appropriate). That's just fine with me - but I will add that I've played with just about everyone on this list recently so I do have a pretty good idea/opinion of other players skill levels.
Another thought - we could get downright brutal with the placement system... for instance, when we have our challenge matches (eg someone thinks they belong in a higher tier), they can challenge a specific individual in that higher tier. I'm not sure how we'd setup the 2v2 or 3v3 that game followed, but perhaps the result would that if the player in the higher level tier lost, he would be moved to the tier the guy that just beat him came from...
so, I challenge tier 1 and am in tier 2. I beat guy in tier 1. I move to tier 1. Guy in tier 1 moves to tier 2. And maybe we'd have a rule that whoever was challenged can only be challenged once a week (Edit) by a specific tier. This way, a player could literally move from tier 1 all the way to unranked if he was challenged multiple times and kept losing. Odds are a tier 1 should never lose like this to the lowest tier, but it could potentially happen if our list is silly.
Anyway, if we do something like that, then the tier list will be constantly changing and hopefully become more and more reflective of skill.
man you know what we need? A ladder system! Oh wait.. we have one of those... except it's missing like 20 rungs and it's all rotten and full of termites.
howbout - Add prussian_Havok to unranked please.
I do like the idea of king of the hill ladder - we just need a fair system for allowing the challenges I mentioned to take place. For instance, if I'm challenging a tier 1 and it is either a 2v2 game or a 3v3 game, if I had to pick 2 tier 2's as teammates and fight against a total of 3 tier ones, that's probably not the fairest way to decide if I should replace 1 specific guy on the tier 1 list. But how do we make it fair?
Wtf are you doing with the list Howbout?
Tier 1
KalleMix? What the hell is going on?
Tier 4ZexJona__Brandon_VarnABornExile
lol'd...Carry on citizen.
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Please try to take this some what seriously.