Hi everybody.
Mind enlightening us as to your current smurf accounts Pacov?
Pfft, you didn't even give me a bullet point!
J0, Zex I guess that makes soccer tier 2.5 on your list as well then?
I'm just going to be updating the list I posted a little earlier here and there... whenever I finish compiling it, I'll copy it and make a new post.
question is there a way for people top hack into some one elses account and change there posts cause i never put any of those people in those tier slots
ok some people not going to be on the list until a consensis is made on who should be where by the committee since im not quite sure who isnt on the list at the moment because of the tampering
heh... fail (ing)...
if you are concerned, change your password up.
Max seems like the kind of person who would make obvious passwords.
Hey - COMMITTEE folk - are we going to try to utilize Tier 4 as an actual tier we place people in or is that our "these guys don't really qualify for tier 3 and above spot - let's not mention them." I personally think it might be good to actually use tier 4 for people's names. There were several folks that I felt like were in between and actually utilizing the another tier would cause some additional movement and challenges to move up and down. Thoughts?
edit - I'm still working on my final list, but I made some updates and changes - see page 2 if you want my current feedback
I'd prefer having more tiers, rank everything in the grand scheme of things.
please make a list, teseer, if you get a chance. Thanks!
anyone else in the committee agree with having 4 active tiers (player names will be in each of them). I think this will help and perhaps add to the fun of moving up and down in rank.
This is just a rough outline of my opinion. There aren't any clear definitions of Tiers so I'll probably needa adjust when we come up with them. Wasn't all that clear, so I didn't use Tier 4. I just went by:
1. Fantastic2. Great3. Still Great but not as Great4. Good(Or average? Above average?)
Tier 1:AbuggeredhedgieBoxxy_KoushCowOrcunRenzSoccer-momZen_GodTier 2:2nanaJonaJongalt26KAL-ELMcshaneMithNomilaracPacovRAWRRRShred_demonSplitshadowThunderclesTier 3:_illuminati_Archon_SAARAtma44xBrandon_VarnDarz4GrahfJaws8youKarebearsKe5trelMAGNUS333Never-fuk-wit-a-oakObiwhanpeterdumptruckSoSickspooky_THE_BRAINSTEELXynthTier 4: (Is this above average players or average players?)
Edit: I'm sure I missed some people. Doing this alt-tabbed at work.
Koush shouldn't be in the committee he takes nothing seriously !
Just my opinion based on all around knowledge of counters in the game
Tier 1 :
If they are in a game of tier 1 and 2s they bring an overall map awareness that is crucial.